
Ok this past week has been emotionally draining, but its a good thing i guess cause alot of things got out and things needed to be solved. As of right now I feel I cannot have any tie with Scott except as being friends, i dont think it can go any further than that cause there is no reciprocation of the feelings, at least on his part. I know I have a soft spot for him in my heart, but right now I need to get around it because its not a healthy thing to keep pinning over something that is only going to hurt me right now. Plus adding to the equation is a fact that was bestowed upon me this morning, a friend I met through Kerry, has taken a liking to me.... I dont know how or why, and the thing is everyone wants me to go for it cause they want to see me happy. Well I want to be happy and right now I think I am gonna do it especially sinceme and Scott are only friends, and he has no true say cause we arent going out......

All I have wanted was to be happy and if one boy hurts me I need to either move on completely or just be friends with him, and move on to something that wont hurt me. I try to live in the now and look at what is right in front of me cause I don't want to end up looking back and seeing that I missed out on a great experience....

Time ticks by
and I sit by
waiting for you,

I can't go on like this
I can't wait forever
I am now your lost endeavor.

I cried as I left our memories behind
It was not an easy task to leave
Such great memories in the past.

I must move on to a greater place
Hopefully here I won't see a mad face
Just the gentleness of the space.

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