
the winds of change...

So we are officially going to be moving. I am excited to paint the inside of the house, my parents house has been in dire need of a new coat on the interior of the house. When they had the remodel some years back some areas didnt get new paint, and boy howdy does it need it. So all those wanting to join in on the painting party let me know.

We are going to be moving stuff over the course of the month, and depending on what goes on with our current lease we will do a large item day with a moving truck as well. Woohoo for a big screen, courtesy of Ian's folks, hope we can hook up the Wii to it.

Large back yard, pool, balcony, park view, and trail. Oh and racketball court. So if anyone is down for some racketball or tennis and not the wii kind let me know, I am dusting off my rackets :-)

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