
To save or not to save. . .

So I finished designing my save the date cards last night, and i had hoped it turned out well despite the working through the groggy fog that I am in from being sick. Well I got an email back from the printer, telling me that despite everything looking good, there was a wee bit of a problem. I thought I left enough room for a full bleed(printing all the way to the edge) but I didn't. So instead of being a crappy company and printing them anyway with the possibility of a funky uneven white rim, they proof all submissions and give you the option of resubmitting the file so that it comes out right. Now I just have to wait until I go home before I can do it since it is on my home computer. Got to love overnightprints.com :-)

1 comment:

Mrs. Case said...

I can't wait to see them!