

Background story:
So last month I started putting together an online store with items brides would be interested in for custom work. I then add a page to my personal site that linked to this store. Also on my personal site is a listing of things I am purging from our own wedding leftovers as well as a few things from around the house.

As with most websites there is a navigation header on my personal site, and it is visible on the For Sale page. I have posted on the knot and in my signature is a link to the For Sale page in case someone wants to check out what I am trying to get rid of. Per the 'rules' of the knot boards we are no longer supposed to promote ourselves as 'knotties for hire' so I don't have a link in my signature directly to website. But someone didn't like that I had a link on my For Sale page that went to my design site.

Insert lynching here. I have had a few people not like my attempts at listing on my personal site about my new adventure: of starting some semblance of a design company. But my issue is that I am not directly advertising it on the boards or to anyone on the knot. In fact just the opposite. I assist people on the DIY boards, because I like to help people discover their inner craftiness. If people find their way to my storefront it is because they are curious of what I might have to offer, not because I am directly advertising my services on the boards or my website.

I am currently banned from posting on the message boards because of the navigation bar on my website. I have since hidden the bar on the for sale page so that I could be allowed back on and offer my expertise and knowledge to those that want to do for themselves. I have a feeling the folks who are reporting me are other knottie for hire that don't want me to get any business but have links on their own pages about the products they sell. Karma might find them soon. As they may also get reported.

On a happier note, if you would like to check out the beginnings of my storefront go to designs.squared

1 comment:

Mrs. Case said...

If they've seen your work then they have every right to be jealous. I am so glad you're finally doing this. Your work is amazing!