It seems she had a visit at her house, and doesn't know how long he has been there. He took up residence inside one of her couches and had been snacking on Smokey's cat food. My mom shredded the couches when she had seen the critter scurry underneath it. There were some droppings inside the back cushions, and that is when those couches then found themselves out in the garage and being sliced up the wazoo. I guess goodwill will be getting a really nice set of living room
It seems the cat won't come downstairs at all. Since when are cats afraid of little ol' mice. Hmmm...
Well my mother then set our about 24 of the glue traps in attempts to cat the critter and after 2 days she did...

The poor thing was stuck, fur and all. My mom then threw the trap outside on the patio. The poor guy was letting out some interesting cries for such a little thing.
I think i need to stop tormenting my mom about how cute the mouse is, because she isn't calling or emailing me since i made the comment: "Would you like some fried mice with that" (She had called my father amd we were about to go out to get chinese with him)